Parent involvement in children's education and the general life of St Peter’s is both highly valued and a crucial component for the education of each child. We know that parents as children’s first educators are interested in working in partnership with the school so both home and school complement and support each other in the education and development of the children.
Formal individual parent and teacher meetings are held twice per year. Report cards are electronically published at the end of each semester. Parents are more than welcome to meet with your child’s class teacher should you have concerns or questions regarding your child’s academic progress, social relationships or regarding a classroom matter.
There are many ways that you can be involved directly or indirectly in St Peter’s School life. Your involvement is welcome and encouraged.
- Attend school functions and events: a variety of events are held throughout the year, including P&F events.
- Volunteer to assist with classroom activities and excursions
- Join in school and Parish Community Masses and liturgies, weekly school assemblies and the Parish Sacramental Program.
- Attend monthly Parent and Friends’ meetings (P&F) and help with Parents and Friends organised activities
- Stay up to date and informed through the various school communications tools (fortnightly newsletter, Facebook, BCE app, Parent Portal and class news).
About the Parents & Friends (P&F) Association
The St Peter’s Parents & Friends Association (P&F) is a volunteer organisation made up of parents within the school. Its role is to support the school community by fostering support and participation between parents/carers and school. It also provides a forum where parents can interact, seek information about the school's running, contribute and provide feedback and input, socialise and provide support for each other. The P&F operates within a constitution adopted from the Federation of Parents and Friends Associations of Catholic Schools in Queensland.
The P&F generally meets on the second Monday of the month at 7pm in the school staff room and online. Meetings are structured but informal. Each year in November a P&F committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee consists of: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The P&F Association derives its income from the levy collected in the school fees and from fundraising and grant activities. The purpose of the levy is to support the school by providing donations for educational resources while participating in the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development of the students. The fundraising and grant activities are held to raise extra funds while focusing on specific areas for development within the school. Other fundraising and social events include Mother's Day stall and shared morning tea, Father’s Day BBQ breakfast. Discos and welcome BBQ, Trivia nights or other similar functions.
Class Parent Representatives: These are one or two volunteer parents from each class who liaise with the P&F, facilitate a caring, assisting and social environment and coordinate the fundraising events allocated to each class.
Want to know more about volunteering at St Peter's? Click here

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter's Catholic Primary School (2024).